Monday, April 16, 2007

chick flick


Unknown said...

Ahhh, very cute!

Margaret said...

I think thisa a great venue to use toshare moments like this with children. I would have loved to videoblog the time my granddaughter and I saved a baby rabbilt from drowning in our pool -- twice in the same day.

calexi said...

Hope the bayb is doing well - it would be nice to know of more bird rescue resources in the local area!

Steve Garfield said...

That was so cute. Thanks for sharing that.

Rupert said...

how amazing... presumably he's flown away by now?

james hunter said...

i went through the same process--when i released the little feller--he flew to the house then landed on the eave--and stared, bewildered.then instinct kicked in and off (she,he) went) job done.
