Dale, I have a few questions. 1. Where is this Cool Place? 2. How long did it take? 3. How much did it cost? 4. What was the catalyst that made you extend your follicles? 5. How long will you keep the extentions?
1. Way Cool Hair is on 16th St. and McDowell. 2. It took 4-5 hours. 3. I am not telling how much :) 4. I have always wanted dreads. When I was in high school, I hung out in the East Village with some unusual dreadlocked characters. I tried to backcomb my very long hair and twist into dreads, but it kept undoing itself. I figured I will be too old soon and I had to have it done once before then. 5. I will keep them as long as I can. Probably about 3 months.
That was the coolest video ever...the place made me feel like I couldn't possibly be in Phoenix, too edgy. The look and the place totally transformed your look. WOW!
I have a few questions.
1. Where is this Cool Place?
2. How long did it take?
3. How much did it cost?
4. What was the catalyst that made you extend your follicles?
5. How long will you keep the extentions?
1. Way Cool Hair is on 16th St. and McDowell.
2. It took 4-5 hours.
3. I am not telling how much :)
4. I have always wanted dreads. When I was in high school, I hung out in the East Village with some unusual dreadlocked characters. I tried to backcomb my very long hair and twist into dreads, but it kept undoing itself. I figured I will be too old soon and I had to have it done once before then.
5. I will keep them as long as I can. Probably about 3 months.
Thanks for your comment!
That was the coolest video ever...the place made me feel like I couldn't possibly be in Phoenix, too edgy. The look and the place totally transformed your look. WOW!
no you are not from another planet. you are a hawaiian princess from hawaii...duh.
oh hey, i met the kid who did that mural. he is the nephew of my neighbor victor.
Dale - Thanks for the video and what a transformation - Do you think I can get a French braid done there with your hair stylist!
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